Case Study: Dedicated Team – Enhancing Quality for’s Web and Mobile Applications


Industry: Social Networking
Project Duration: 3 months
Services Provided: Functional Testing, Regression Testing, Usability Testing, Cross-Browser Testing, Mobile Device Testing

Introduction, a prominent social networking platform, partnered with QualityArk to ensure the quality and usability of their web and mobile applications. The goal was to enhance the overall user experience and maintain high standards of functionality across multiple devices and browsers.


  • Diverse Device Compatibility: Ensuring the application works seamlessly across various iOS and Android devices.
  • Cross-Browser Functionality: Testing the application on different browsers like Safari, Chrome, and Firefox to ensure consistent performance.
  • Usability Improvements: Identifying areas for functional and usability enhancements to provide an optimal user experience.


Initial Documentation Analysis

Our collaboration began with a thorough understanding of the extensive documentation regarding the application’s functionality and logic. This initial phase was crucial to lay the groundwork for effective testing strategies.

Test Environment Planning

We meticulously planned the test environments, considering a variety of devices and browsers that the target user group would utilize. This step ensured comprehensive coverage and reliability across different platforms.

Developing Test Cases

Next, we developed detailed test cases designed to be used in future regression tests and as documentation for the client. These test cases were critical for maintaining consistency and ensuring thorough testing processes.

Cross-Platform Testing

We conducted extensive testing on various models of iOS and Android devices, as well as on different browsers such as Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. This approach guaranteed that the application maintained high quality on every platform.

Regular Communication

Throughout the testing process, was kept informed about progress through regular meetings and updates. A dedicated project supervisor from QualityArk was assigned to ensure seamless communication and effective project management.

Periodic Regression Testing

Our testing regimen included regular regression testing conducted periodically to ensure the continuity and stability of the application. This ongoing testing was vital for maintaining the application’s performance over time.

Key Findings

  • Error Detection: We detected 58 errors ranging from minor bugs to critical functionality issues.
  • Test Cases Documentation: 88 comprehensive test cases were documented, providing a valuable resource for ongoing and future testing.
  • Usability Improvements: We proposed 13 enhancements focused on improving functionality and usability, significantly elevating the user experience.


Improved Application Quality

Through our rigorous testing and continuous communication, we were able to detect and address 58 errors, ensuring a more stable and reliable application. The improvements and fixes implemented during this phase elevated the overall quality of the platform.

Enhanced Usability

The 13 proposed improvements focused on functionality and usability were implemented, providing a smoother and more intuitive user experience. These changes were instrumental in retaining and attracting users to the platform.

Comprehensive Documentation

The 88 documented test cases served not only as a reference for future regression testing but also as a valuable asset for the client, ensuring they had a clear understanding of the testing process and outcomes.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

Regular updates and dedicated project supervision ensured that was always informed and involved in the testing process. This collaborative approach facilitated quick responses to potential issues and streamlined the overall project management.


QualityArk’s methodical approach to testing, combined with regular communication and thorough documentation, significantly enhanced the quality and usability of’s web and mobile applications. Our partnership ensured that the application was robust, user-friendly, and ready to deliver a seamless experience to its users.

For more information on how QualityArk can improve the quality and usability of your software, visit QualityArk.